Toxoplasma gondii
About testing
VIDITEST kits are intended for the serological diagnosis of toxoplasmosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii in immunocompetent and immunodeficient individuals, pregnant women and children including congenitally infected newborns.
As a part of TORCH complex they are utilized for differential diagnosis of vertically transmitted infections from mother to fetus. They may be also used for differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathies.
We provide our own ELISA-VIDITEST and MONO-VIDITEST immunoenzymatic kits for testing of the detection of specific antibodies of iGa, IgG and IgM isotypes against Toxoplasma gondii antigens in serum and plasma.
ELISA-VIDITEST uses 96-well microtiter plates, still MONO-VIDITEST cassette format. All testing and evaluation takes place automatically in combination with our VIDIMAT analyzer.
of specific antibodies
Toxoplasma gondii
About antibody dynamics
IgG anti-toxo antibodies appear in 1 – 2 weeks after onset of acute infection, reach a maximum level after few weeks and than fall down, generally remaining at low level lifelong.
IgM can be detected in early acute phase of the infection and disappear obviously after 3-5 months. In some patients, IgM anti-toxo antibodies persist for several months or years after infection, so further tests are necessary to clarify the stage of infection.
IgA rise somewhat later than IgM and clear off in 3-6 months after infection resolution.